DC Short Stories - Chapter 1: The Bat and the Leaf (Title Temporary)

Chapter 1: The Bat and the Leaf

   The cave came to a roaring shut. "That's why I can't have you running off and taking matters into your own hands Barbara!" Bruce's voice was harsher than his normal reprimandings. "Fine, but without me we wouldn't have the tracker on him, admit it Bruce, you needed me." Bruce walked over to his bat computer, sitting in the chair and resting his face in his hand. "If I ever let anything happen to you..." Barbara looked at the ground, "I need to go home, he's probably waiting for me..."

   The city lights streamed by, the whooshing sound they made as she passed each one calmed her in a way. The last week nothing has pleased him, she takes the initiative, bad Batgirl, she stays behind, why didn't you help. "He must be going through something..." She murmured to herself. All of a sudden a loud crashing sound echos through the street. "What now?" The bike spins around, heading towards the noise. She pulls up her wrist, causing the panel on her it to activate. "Batman I need..." No, she thought, I can do this without him. A branch burst through the road, her reflexes are fast, but not enough to react in time as her bike smashes into the root, sending her flying into the air. "Batgirl!" The woman's seductive laughter taunts her as another branch catches her, squeezing her arms and legs together. "I was expecting tall dark and brooding, but you will have to suffice for my plans." Batgirl struggles to get free. "What plans Pamela?" "Ooo, someone sounds feisty tonight, are things getting too batty in the cave?" She seductively laughs again. "Oh well, nighty night pretty bat." A vine extends from the branch with a small flower on top. It stops in front of Batgirls face as she tries to turn her head, but it's too late, a green mist emits from the flower as it opens. Her eyes begin to close and her body becomes limp, as Poison Ivy watches with a devious smile.

   *Click* "Mmm..." *Click* Water drops fall into a small puddle, waking the restrained heroine. "W-what? Where am I...? Ivy! Where are you? What do you want?" Batgirl shouts into the emptiness, all that replies is an echo and the wind whisping through the trees... "So many questions, why do you heroes always need to ask for our plans?" Batgirl jumps slightly as Ivy raises up from the ground, stepping off a vine and creating flowers with each step towards her. "What if there is no real plan? What if..." She pauses in front of Batgirl, Barbara gleaming at her with a scowl on her face. "Oh don't look at me like that, we both know there's nothing you can do without this." Ivy points at Batgirls belt, locked in a tree. "Awe, your angry face is gone, not feeling threatening anymore?" Batgirl relaxes her muscles and hangs her head. "Good, I like submissive girls." The wooden restraint stops squishing her, giving her a brief moment to breath before four vines attach to her arms and legs, pulling them apart. "Hey! What are you doing?" Batgirl asks again, this time afraid and hesitant. "Oh nothing, my plants wanted a new toy to play with... And so did I. First we'll need to get rid of that awful costume you're wearing, Batman has no fashion sense" Ivy rolls her eyes, walking over to Batgirl. "This plant produces an acid that breaks down anything non-organic..." She pauses, pointing it at Batgirls chest. "I think I'll leave the mask, your whole mysterious girl routine is cute." The plant sprays a mist all over Batgirls suit, slowly dissolving it. "Now let's see what you hide under that skin tight cloth." Batgirl feels a breeze begin to hit her nipples as the cloth melts away around them, making each one hard. She turns her head, her cheeks turning rosy pink as the same breeze hit her now exposed opening, flowing like a wave between her labia. "Oh my, what a pretty bat. I guess it's my turn now?" Her leaf thong slowly crawls away from her body, moving up her stomach and across her breasts. "Mmm... Feel that fresh air! It's so nice to be free, isn't it Batgirl?"

   The vines pull Batgirls legs and arms harder, forcing them apart more as she sighs, defeated. "Awe sweetie, your nipples are already hard... You must be so cold, let me help you warm up." Ivy kneels down in front of Batgirl, breathing in the scent of her glistening lips. "You're wet too? Do you like the idea of being exposed to me?" Ivy continues to tease Batgirl with a devious smile. "Why are you doing this? Is this supposed to be some kind of torture? Do you think exposing me will make me submissive to you?" Ivy slaps Batgirls opening, so hard that it creates an echo. "Ahhhh!" Barbara screams from the pain. "Did I say you could speak? Now be a good girl and let Ivy have her fun." Ivy's tongue extends out over Batgirls clitoris, licking it so gently that it cause Batgirls leg to shudder. With a smile on her face, she lightly bites down on Batgirls hood. "Ahh! S-stop, now!" "Or what Batgirl, you'll scold me?" Ivy's tongue finds it's way between Batgirls petals, moving up and down, parting them with each pass, tasting Batgirls dripping juices as she gets hotter and hotter. "I think you're ready now." Ivy says getting up and smiling at Barbara. "R-ready for what...?" Batgirl asks, regretting her question instantly. "For my plants to play with." 


  1. Love this story so far and can not wait to read more. My only question is who you would like to be in this chapter?

    Many hugs to you.

  2. Is there gonna be a part 2? I'm drooling with anticipation <3

  3. Coming soon.... Chapter 2? 😏


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